Allow me to support your journey and see what awarenesses await you.
I’m passionate about working with clients to offer new possibilities and pathways beyond our limiting patterns and beliefs. We all have traumas, difficult experiences, and challenging emotions. In coaching and bodywork sessions, I offer a gentle and compassionate container to be able to explore those, and a diverse toolbox of practices to help hold, shift and heal them.

The LaChiara Method
Sessions are driven by the The LaChiara Method and may include working with the survival brain, flight/fight/freeze response, re-patterning beliefs, trauma-informed energy medicine, and neural science techniques.
The LaChiara Method is designed to restore the body’s natural flow of energy. When this happens, new awarenesses, insights, and perceptions are more available to receive. Using this process allows clients to feel more comfortable, willing, and able to tune in and restore their relationship to their body’s needs. This is done through energy healing techniques as well as neural organization techniques, a blending of intuition and science.
Private Sessions
Private sessions invite you to explore your known and unknown barriers, blocks, opportunities, and gifts. These sessions offer some incredible benefits including the ability to increase ease, relaxation, and clarity. We will work together to help release what doesn’t belong to you, shift beliefs, and establish a sense of wellbeing.
During sessions we will use the practice of “engaging one’s knowing” or muscle testing to help determine the direction of the session and what healing techniques or protocols will be utilized. A session may include techniques such as energy clearing activations, nervous system regulation, tissue repair, chakra healing, and protocols for the body to pump up the endocrine and immune systems. We will also work with your core vitality levels and will ascertain the level of emotional stress that your body is under and help your body to better manage that stress. You may be provided with simple practices or tools that you can utilize on your own for carryover.
Sessions can be in person or virtual, by phone or video chat.
Sessions typically last about an hour
In person, you will be fully-clothed and lying on a massage table. With your permission, I will use your arm to “engage” or “embody” what healing technique/protocol your body would like to receive during the session.
I have found that virtual or phone sessions are just as helpful and can be just as powerful as in person. So much of what we are working with is on energetic, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels, and those do not require both people to be in the same room in order to be effective. In addition the coaching aspect works just as well virtually!
I operate on a sliding scale from $60 – $125 an hour. Ask about my 4 session discount package.